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This, is Radio55!

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Welcome, to Radio55! A new kind of radio ready and waiting for you!

We are always looking for ways to make things better. So, we came to the up with the idea of making a brand new radio station called, Radio55! Playing all the latest and greatest tunes around with talking inbetween, no radio would be finished without it!

It is still early days for Radio55, we are sure it'll do well and provide people with smthing to look faward to when we brodcast live On-Air!

Sadly, Radio55 is Online only right now but, that's not always a bad thing! You can find the new page for Radio55 on our site and by clicking here.

You can listen via the radio player on our site, find it on the Radio55 page. Also, you can listen via Mixlr by going to:

Whats more, our Twitter page is also on the way! With news on what we are up to, tech news, Radio55 info and more!

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