For a long time (Well, almost two decades!) Your're PowerPoint Presentations, Word Documents and Projects have come to live to Microsoft's Clip Art.
Sadly, from now and this week Microsoft is un Clipping the famous tool and is now set to replace it with images from Bing Search. Don't wory! You can still add your images from your files, computer and OneDrive into your Documents and Presentations.

Doug Thomas, in a Blod Post, from Microsoft said: ‘The Clip Art and image library has closed shop." With the new Bing Image Search you can find more pictures then you could before, so there's a bonus! However, some of the images will be at a cost. It uses a coppyright systems that filters results based on the Creative Commons licensing system. You are able to do this on Google as well.
Clip Art closed with more then 140,000 images and photos.
You can use some of the images on Bing with the price tag of £Free! Some editing and modifying of the images might not be allowed.
Do you like this change? Let us know in the comments below! As soon as we find more news and information we'll be sure to post it and keep you updated!