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The new "News" app from Apple on iOS 9

News. It's the latest app from Apple in iOS 9. It just a collection of news that you are instread in right in the app. The idea of this is so you don't have to look else-where for news, you just use that app.

There are also photos to look at, and videos to go with news stories, just like on any news website, such as BBC News.

The articles are optimised for the iPad and iPhone, so the reading of News is great no matter what device you are using.

The app is very clever, because the more you read on News, it starts to understand what intreasts you like reading and what type of news, such as tech, business and fashion.

The "For You" section is, well, for you. The news feed here gets updated with all the latest you you'll never miss a thing. You can save articles and read them later when you have more time. Sharing with people is also a great feature of the application.

"Favourites" change over time. Apple has made it easy as you can edit Favourites and delete the ones that don't intrest you anymore.

Searching. You can do it on aany news website, so you're able to do it with this easy read app. You can search for certain topics or events, and any news really.

With this app you'll never be short of somthing to read. We suppose the only downside is that it's taking up some space on your device, which you may not think is a good thing!



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