Another huge bug has been found on social network Google+
Back in October, we reported that Google+ will be shutting down in 2019 due to a huge data breach and apps had access to data from profiles on Google+ that were not marked as public. Data that could be accessed included: names, email addresses, profession, age and gender. No information from posts on Google's social network could not be accessed.
Google+ (Plus) is a social network created by search engine giant: Google.
The social network platform didn't have near as enough activity against other social networking sites such as Facebook. We've been having a discussion in the office and near enough everyone cannot remember when we last logged onto, or looked at posts on Google+.
Because of yet another bug has been found by Google staff whilst "routine testing" was being carried out, the closedown of Google+ has been brought forward to April 2019, instead of the original date in August 2019.
It turns out the [original] worrying data leak but was fixed back in March of this year, however, Google chose to keep this under-wraps and didn't inform users. Google's stated in a post: "...We cannot confirm which users were impacted by this bug." And they've also said: "We made Google+ with privacy in mind and therefore keep this API's log data for only two weeks."
Google+ is however sticking around for Enterprise users (businesses). New Google+ Enterprise products and tools will be announced by Google in the near future.
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