Does this leaked Samsung advert feature Samsung's foldable phone?
This video, which you can watch below, appears to be an official advert for the foldable phone which we've all been waiting for.
Some have been called the smartphone the Galaxy Fold, Galaxy Flex or the Galaxy F. Whilst the advert does not bless us with the product name, it does display Samsung's own hashtag '#DoWhatYouCant'.
Website pocket-lint.com say the advert is thought to be from Samsung Vietnam, which would explain the text and phrases toward the end of the advert. In English, the phrases translate as: "new standards we created today" and "so you can start creating it tomorrow".
Samsung's 'Unpacked Event' takes place this month, on February 20, in San Francisco, California. Here, we expect to see Samsung's folding phone as well as the exciting Samsung Galaxy S10.
We'll be publishing updates about Samsung's 'Unpacked Event' nearer the time and on the day itself.
Watch the leaked advert below. Reposted by Slashleaks on YouTube:
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