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Zoom keep their promise and add much needed security enhancements

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Over the last week, Zoom have been making much needed security enhancements for its platform

Zoom have kept their promise and have produced more security fixes and updates to Zoom, their video conferencing system on both the desktop and mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Earlier this week, we announced Zoom has already made some security improvements, including removing code that collected data from Zoom's iOS app and shared it with Facebook.

This week, though, in various emails to users, they have detailed other security enhancements. From April 5, enabling passwords for meetings have now been turned 'on'. Even previous scheduled meetings will be password enabled. If you're joining a meeting via a meeting link, there is 'no change to their joining experience'.

Password protect meetings

For those joining a meeting using a meeting ID, you'll need to enter the password in order to access the meeting. "For meetings scheduled moving forward, the meeting password can be found in the invitation."

"For instant meetings, the password will be displayed in the Zoom client. The password can also be found in the meeting join URL."

Virtual waiting rooms

Virtual meeting rooms is a new feature Zoom have also added and it'll automatically be turned on by default. It'll prevent participants from joining until the host is ready. You'll see the participants waiting to join by clicking the "Manage Participants' icon. You will then have to individually admit each participant to add them into the meeting. You can also 'Admit All' into the meeting.

New Security Toolbar for meeting hosts

Zoom have implemented a new 'Security Toolbar' for hosts of meetings. In it, it has all of Zoom's in-meeting controls in one place. Inside the menu, you can:

- lock the meeting

- enable / disable the waiting room (now enabled by default)

- allow the option for meeting participants to chat

- allow the option for meeting participants to share screen

- allow the option for meeting participants to rename themselves

In order to invite other participants to a meeting, the button has moved to the bottom of the "Manage Participants' side panel. From there, you can also mute and unmute all participants at once.

Attendee Attention Tracking Feature has been removed

In the recent email sent out to all Zoom users, they say: "as part of our commitment to the security and privacy of our customers" they have finally removed the Attendee Attention Tracking Feature which means meeting hosts can no longer see if a participant has the Zoom client open or minimised.

Meeting IDs are hidden

When we say meeting IDs are hidden, we mean they're no longer displayed in the title bar of the Zoom meeting window. Now, to see the Meeting ID, click 'Participants' then 'Invite'. The meeting password can be found at the bottom left corner or the pop out box. You can also find this information and more by clicking on the information icon in the top right corner of the Zoom window when you've started the meeting.

Joining meetings from your browser

If you join a meeting from the web (from your browser using Google Chrome's extension for example), you'll now need to sign into your Zoom account by default before joining. This can be disabled by the admin or user by using the settings page.

Renaming participants

Hosts and account admins can now disable the option for participants to rename themselves before and during meetings. We've mentioned this option above in more detail.

If you haven't already, Zoom recommend updating to the latest release to take advantage of these new features.

So, it does seem like Zoom are listening and addressing issues and concerns that have been raised. Hopefully in the feature, they'll do more to help too and hopefully they won't get so much bad press.

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Image credit: Zoom



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